The various bodies of QCI which makes Governance Structure are:
The Governing Council (GC)
Finance Committee (FC)
The Governing Body (GB)
Accreditation Boards (ABs) and Quality Promotion Board
- The Governing Council of QCI was initially constituted by the government as a part of the Cabinet decision in 1996. There were initially 31 constituent members, with equal representation from the Government, Industry and other stakeholders. Presently, the Governing Council comprises 38 members. Every member has one vote in the Governing Council.
- The Governing Council is the apex level body responsible for formulating the strategy, general policy, constitution and monitoring of various components of QCI, including the Accreditation Boards with the objective of ensuring transparent and credible accreditation system.
- The Governing Council is headed by the Chairperson, QCI.
- The Governing Council, through a Governing Body monitors the progress of activities of the respective boards
- The affairs of QCI are administered, directed and controlled (as stated in the “Rules and Regulations”) by the Governing Body.
- The Governing Body has 21 members from various stakeholders. It has representations from organizations working in quality domain, industry and the government.
- The Governing Body manages all the affairs and funds of QCI and has the authority to exercise all the powers, nevertheless, in respect of expenditure, to such limitation as the Government of India may from time to time impose.
- The Governing Body has the power to frame, amend or repeal bye-laws not inconsistent with the rules of the administration and management of the affairs of QCI as per the provisions contained in Rules & Regulations
The Finance Committee is a separate entity and is responsible for Governance of Finance & Accounts functions and reports them to the Governing Body.
As depicted in the Governance structure above, QCI coordinates its activities through five constituent Boards briefed below
The National Accreditation Board for Certification Bodies provides accreditation to Certification, Inspection and Validation & Verification Bodies based on assessment of their competence as per the Board’s criteria and in accordance with International Standards and Guidelines. NABCB is internationally recognized and represents the interests of the Indian industry at international forums through membership and active participation.
NABCB is a member of International Accreditation Forum (IAF), International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) & Asia Pacific Accreditation Cooperation (APAC) as well as signatory to their Multilateral Mutual Recognition Arrangements (MLAs / MRAs) for Quality Management Systems, Environmental Management Systems, Food Safety Management Systems, Information Security Management Systems, Energy Management Systems, Occupational Health & Safety Management Systems, Medical Devices Quality Management Systems, Product Certification, Global G.A.P., , Personnel Certification and Inspection. NABCB accreditations are internationally equivalent and facilitates global acceptance of certifications / inspections carried out by accredited bodies under NABCB accreditation.
In India, NABCB accreditation and/or NABCB accredited conformity assessment is required by various Govt. Ministries / Authorities, Regulators and Industry.
At its inception, NABET began life as the National Accreditation Board for Auditors and Training (NABAT), which was set up in response to the emerging challenges in the conformity assessment arena with the mandate to establish and monitor the training and auditor’s registration process. National Accreditation Board for Auditors and Training (NABAT) started working as registrar for auditors and training courses operating in arena of conformity assessment area such as QMS and EMS.
In 2004, NABET was renamed as National Registration Board for Personnel and Training (NRBPT). NRBPT became a registration body for personnel (Consultants and Consultant Organisations) and training courses in conformity assessment areas such as QMS, EMS and FSMS.
With the changing demographics and the global economic situation, it was realised the country needed an accreditation board which could be a catalyst for creating competent capacities in different skill domains. The QCI Council took a decision to rechristen NRBPT into National Accreditation Board for Education and Training (NABET) to fulfil its national mandate of creating an accreditation mechanism in the arena of skills, education and training.
National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration of Laboratories (NABL) grants Accreditation (Recognition) of Technical competence of a Testing, Calibration, Medical Laboratory; Proficiency Testing Provider (PTP); and Reference Material Producer (RMP) for a specific scope following the international standards
National Accreditation Board for Hospitals & Healthcare Providers (NABH) operates accreditation programme for healthcare organisations. The board is structured to cater to much desired needs of the consumers and to set benchmarks for progress of healthcare organizations. The board while being supported by all stakeholders including industry, consumers, government, operates within the overall internationally accepted benchmarks of quality. NABH is an Institutional Member of the International Society for Quality in Health Care (lSQua). It is also a member as well as on the Board of Asian Society for Quality in Healthcare (ASQua)
National Board for Quality Promotion (NBQP) works on the mission of promoting quality of life of the Citizens of India. The Board organizes events i.e., Quality Conclaves (National/Regional/Virtual) and Quality Month Competitions
National Accreditation Board for Certification Bodies
Institution of Engineers Building, Ist Floor, 2 – Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi – 110002, India.
Phone: +91-11- 2337 9260 +91-11- 2337 8056