Policy And Objectives
- The National Accreditation Board for Certification Bodies will provide service to the satisfaction of its customers in accordance with the national and international norms. It is committed to provide equal opportunity to all the applicants with highest regard to impartiality, transparency, integrity, and confidentiality.
- The Board has decided to provide accreditation services to CABs established as legal entities within the country, as well as in other nations, the latter to be in accordance with the IAF and the ILAC policies on cross-frontier accreditation, as applicable. In addition, the relevant locations of the CABs in other countries can be included in the scope of accreditation.
- The Board will strive for the international recognition of its accreditation schemes through international and regional forums like IAF, ILAC, APAC etc. and through bilateral and multilateral mutual recognition arrangements.
- The above said policy is pursued by complying to the ISO/IEC 17011:2017 “Conformity assessment requirements for accreditation bodies accrediting conformity assessment bodies” and other relevant international/national standards and applicable IAF/ILAC/APAC documents.
Objectives :
- To be equally accessible to all the CABs applicants who wish to be accredited to the criteria of the Board within its scope and capability, within the geographical limitations decided by the Board.
- To continually upgrade criteria and procedure for accreditation in line with the developments in the international standards and related documents of IAF/ILAC/APAC to foster consistency of operation and improvement in the quality of conformity assessment process with the support of CABs.
- To be impartial in the development of criteria and in its accreditation process.
- To seek and maintain mutual recognition of the accreditation schemes internationally.
- To be independent of any undue influence of any stakeholder and to conduct its business professionally.
- To ensure competence of personnel through selection of appropriately qualified personnel competent to perform their functions and by conducting regular training programs and information exchange conclaves to update knowledge and skills.
- To actively participate in the meetings of IAF/ILAC/APAC regularly.
National Accreditation Board for Certification Bodies
Institution of Engineers Building, Ist Floor, 2 – Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi – 110002, India.
Phone: +91-11- 2337 9260 +91-11- 2337 8056
Email: nabcb@qcin.org
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National Accreditation Board for Certification Bodies
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