Product Certification
PC 015
TUV India Pvt. Ltd.
Address 801, Raheja Plaza I LBS Road, Ghatkopar (West), Mumbai - 400 086.
Contact Person Mr. Rahul R Nayak
Designation Associate Vice President – (System Certification, Training & Sustainability)
Tel + 91 22 6647 7000 / 7010
Fax + 91 22 6647 7009
Email ID
Valid From 05 August 2019
Valid Upto 04 August 2026
Accreditation Standards ISO/IEC 17065: 2012
Scopes of accreditation

(IAF No.)

Products/ Processes covered under the scope

Normative document(s) [Standard(s)/ Regulation(s) etc ]

Description of Scheme

IAF Scope 16
Concrete, cement, lime, plaster etc.
Construction Materials and Buildings

Criteria for Production Control of RMC under the Ready Mix Concrete Plant Certification Scheme (RMCPCS) as at linkand ISO 9001 as given in Cl. 0.2 of the document RMCPCS Certification Process at link

Ready Mix Concrete Plant Certification Scheme (RMCPCS) for 'RMC Capability Certification' and 'RMC 9000+Capability Certification' as at link http: //

IAF Scope 22
Other Transport Equipment
Independent Safety Assessment and Certification for Railway System, Rolling Stock, Signalling, Communication and Control

1. CENELEC EN 50126-1: 2017 Railway applications - The Specification and Demonstration of Reliability, Availability, Maintainability, and Safety (RAMS) –Part 1: Generic RAMS Process
2. CENELEC EN 50126-2: 2017 Railway applications - The Specification and Demonstration of Reliability, Availability, Maintainability, and Safety (RAMS) –Part 2: System Approach to Safety
3. CENELEC EN 50128: 2020- Railway applications - Communications, signalling and processing systems- Software for railway control and protection systems
4. CENELEC EN 50129: 2018- Railway applications - Communication, signalling and processing systems - Safety related electronic systems for signalling
5. CENELEC EN 50121-1: 2017- Railway Application- Electromagnetic Compatibility - Part 1: General
6. CENELEC EN 50159: 2010+A1:2020- Railway Application- Communication, Signalling and Processing system. Safety related communication in transmission systems
7. MIL-STD-882E: Military Standard: System Safety, US Department of Defence Standard Practice (USDOD)
8. Procedure for safety certification and technical clearance of metro system by RDSO, 2015

TUV/RLY/ CER/501 - Independent Safety Assessment and Certification for Railway System, Rolling Stock, Signalling, Communication and Control

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