NABCB Accredited Inspection Bodies
Ravi Energie Pvt. Ltd.
Address S-15 A/B India Bulls Mega Mall Jetalpur Road-Vadodara, 390020, Gujarat – India
Contact Person 1 Ms. Smita M. Joshi
Designation Director
Tel +0265 - 2226069, 2361740
Fax +91-0265- 2361740
Email ID,
Accreditation Cert. No.. IB 022
Valid From 18 December 2014
Valid Upto 17 Decembers 2025
Accreditation Standard ISO/IEC 17020:2012
Type of Inspection Body Type A
Scopes of Accreditation

IAF Scope /
Field of Inspection and Specific Item(s)

Stage and Range of Inspection(s)

Inspection Requirement(s)
Standards / Regulations / Methods / Procedures

Number identification with year of publication


IAF Scope 02

Mining and Quarrying





Coal & Coke

Inspection of a lot,

Review of documents/ records,

Sampling and Sample preparations,

Quantity Assessments &

Quality Assessment

IS 436- Part 1-Sec.1:1964 (Reaffirmed 2013)

Methods for Sampling of Coal and

Coke - Manual Sampling


REPL Document -


REPL Document - QCI/P/03


Applicable National & International Codes and Standards as mentioned above or equivalent to the standards described above.

IAF Scope 03

Food Products, Beverages and Tobacco





Processing and Preserving of Meat and Meat Products (Except Slaughter House)

Inspection of Food Business Operator’s Facility Inspection, Food Safety and Hygiene, Infrastructure and Inspection of GMP/GHP


Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 – FSSAI FSS Gazette Rules 2011 of FSSAI Schedule-IV


FSSAI Schedule 4 (FSS Licensing & Regulation of Food Business Regulations, 2011)

Part 2- General hygienic and sanitary practices to be followed by food business operators applying for license




Part 4- General hygienic and sanitary practices to be followed by food business operators engaged in manufacturing/ processing/ packaging/storage/distribution of slaughter house and meat processing



REPL Document -SOP/01/02, dated 01-12-2021


Inspection Body Standard Operating Procedure for Inspection in the Meat and Poultry Processing Units

Products/Process Inspection of Food Business Operators in Dairy Sector/Milk Processing

Inspection of Food Business Operator’s Facility Inspection, Food Safety and Hygiene, Infrastructure and Inspection of GMP/GHP

Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 – FSSAI FSS Gazette Rules 2011 of FSSAI Schedule-IV


FSSAI Schedule 4 (FSS Licensing & Regulation of Food Business Regulations, 2011)

Part 2- General hygienic and sanitary practices to be followed by food business operators applying for license

Part 3- General hygienic and sanitary practices to be followed by food business operators engaged in manufacturing/processing/packaging/storage/distribution of Milk and milk products



REPL Document- SOP/01/01, dated 01-12-2021

Inspection Body Standard Operating Procedure for Inspection in the Dairy

Manufacture of Grain Mill (Whole Grain) Products, Starches, and Starch Products

Inspection of Food Business Operator’s Facility Inspection, Food Safety and Hygiene, Infrastructure and Inspection of GMP/GHP

Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 – FSSAI FSS Gazette Rules 2011 of FSSAI Schedule-IV

FSSAI Schedule 4 (FSS Licensing & Regulation of Food Business Regulations, 2011)

Part 2- General hygienic and sanitary practices to be followed by food business operators applying for license



REPL Document -QCI/SOP/01/13, dated 01-12-2021


Inspection Body Standard Operating Procedure for conducting Audit/Inspection in Grain & Milled Products Starch and Starch Products

Products/process Inspection of Food Business Operators in Other Food Products

Inspection of Food Business Operator’s Facility Inspection, Food Safety and Hygiene, Infrastructure, and Inspection of GMP/GHP

Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 – FSSAI FSS Gazette Rules 2011 of FSSAI Schedule-IV




FSSAI Schedule 4 FSS Licensing & Regulation of Food Business Regulations, 2011)

Part 2- General hygienic and sanitary practices to be followed by food business operators applying for license




REPL Document-

QCI/SOP/01/04, dated 01-12-2021


Inspection Body Standard Operating Procedure for conducting Audit/Inspection in the Manufacturing of Other Food Products (Bakery, Edible Oil, Fruit & Vegetable Processing, Ready to Eat/Cook)

IAF Scope 17

Basic Metals and Fabricated Metal Products






Stage-wise & Final Inspection

IS 6392:1971

Specification for steel pipe Flange


IS 1538:1993

Cast iron fittings for pressure pipes for water, gas and sewage



IS 7215:1974

Tolerances for fabrication of steel structure



ASME B 16.5:2003

Pipe flanges and flanged fittings

Plates, Coils, Sheet, Bar & other Metal Products

Stage-wise & Final Inspection

IS 2751:1979

Code of practice for welding of mild steel plain and deformed bars for reinforced concrete construction



IS 1786:2008

High strength deformed steel bars and wires for concrete reinforcements



ASTM Sec. I:2021

Iron and Steel Products



IS 2062:2011

Hot Rolled Steel for Medium and High Tensile - Specification

Steel Pipes

Stage-wise & Final Inspection


Standard Specification for steel Pipe, Black and Hot-Dipped, Zinc-Coated, Welded and Seamless




Standard Specification for General Requirements for Specialized Carbon and Alloy Steel Pipe




Standard Specification for Seamless carbon steel pipe for high-Temperature Service



IS 3589:2001

Steel Pipe for water and sewage (168.3 to 2540 mm outside diameter) - Specification



API 5L:2012

Specification For line Pipe



IS 1239:2011

Mild Steel Pipes for water, Gas, Steam, and Air Line Steel Tubes, Tubulars, and other wrought steel fittings



IS 3589:2001

Indian Standard for Welded and ERW pipes




Welded and Seamless Wrought Steel Pipe



ASTM A252:98

Specification for Welded and Seamless Steel Pipe Pile



ASTM A333/A333M:99

Specification for Seamless and Welded Steel Pipe for Low-Temperature Service



ASTM A523:96

Specification for Plain End Seamless and Electric-Resistance-Welded Steel Pipe for High-Pressure Pipe-Type Cable Circuits



ASTM A524:96

Specification for Seamless Carbon Steel Pipe for Atmospheric and Lower Temperatures


Stage-wise & Final Inspection

BS 2871:1

Specification for copper and copper alloys Tubes. Copper tubes for water, gas and sanitation



BS 2871:2

Specification for copper and copper alloys. Tubes. Tubes for general purposes



IS 1161:1998

Steel Tubes for Structural Purposes -Specification



IS 3601:2006

Steel Tubes for Mechanical and General Engineering purpose -Specification



IS 1239:2011

Steel tubes, tubular and other wrought steel fittings-Specification



ASTM A178/A178M:95

Specification for Electric-Resistance-Welded Carbon Steel and Carbon-Manganese Steel Boiler and Super heater Tubes



ASTM A179/A179M:90a: 1996

Specification for Seamless Cold-Drawn Low-Carbon Steel Heat-Exchanger and Condenser Tubes



ASTM A192/A192M: 9:1996

Specification for Seamless Carbon Steel Boiler Tubes for High-Pressure Service



ASTM A210/A210M:96

Specification for Seamless Medium-Carbon Steel Boiler and Super heater Tubes



ASTM A254/A254:97

Specification for Copper-Brazed Steel Tubing



ASTM A234/A234M:99

Specification for Piping Fittings of Wrought Carbon Steel and Alloy Steel for Moderate and High Temperature Service



ASTM A420/A420M:99

Specification for Piping Fittings of Wrought Carbon Steel and Alloy Steel for Low-Temperature Service

Ductile Iron Pipes

Stage-wise & Final Inspection

ISO 2531:2009

Ductile iron pipes, fittings, accessories and their joints for water pipelines.



IS 8329:2000

Centrifugally Cast (Spun) Ductile Iron Pressure Pipes for Water, Gas and Sewage - Specification



IS 9523:2000

Ductile Iron Fittings for Pressure Pipes for Water, Gas and Sewage - Specification



ASTM A746:2015

Standard Specification for Ductile Iron Gravity Sewer Pipe



BS EN 545:2010 

Ductile iron pipes, fittings, accessories and their joints for water pipelines. 



BS EN 598:2007

Ductile iron pipes, fittings, accessories and their joints for sewerage applications.

Casting Products

Stage-wise & Final Inspection

IS 1030:1998

Carbon Steel Castings for General Engineering Purposes - Specification



IS 2644:1994

High strength steel castings for General engineering and structural Purposes-Specification




Standard Specification for Steel Castings, Carbon and Alloy, with Tensile Requirements, Chemical Requirements




Standard Specification for Steel Castings, High Strength, for Structural Purposes



ASTM A1062

Standard Specification for Steel Castings Sampling

Metal Structure

Stage-wise & Final Inspection

EN 10025:Part 1:2004

Hot rolled products of structural steels - General technical delivery conditions



EN 10025:Part 2:2004

Hot rolled products of structural steels -Technical delivery conditions for non-alloy structural steels



EN 10025:Part 3:2004

Hot rolled products of structural steels - Technical Delivery Conditions for normalized/ normalized rolled weldable fine grain structural steels.



EN 10025:Part 4:2004

Technical delivery conditions for thermo mechanical rolled weldable fine grain structural steels



EN 10025:Part 5:2004

Hot rolled products of structural steels - Part 5: Technical delivery conditions for structural steels with improved atmospheric corrosion resistance

Forging products

Stage-wise & Final Inspection

IS 2004:1991

Carbon steel Forgings for General Engineering Purposes-Specification




Standard Specification for Steel Forgings, General Requirements




Standard Specification for Alloy Steel Forgings for Pressure and High-Temperature Parts




Standard Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Forgings for Thin-Walled Pressure Vessels




Standard Specification for Stainless Steel Forgings



ASTM A1049

Standard Specification for Stainless Steel Forgings, Ferritic/Austenitic (Duplex), for




Pressure Vessels and Related Components




Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Forgings for Piping Applications


Stage-wise & Final Inspection

ASTM A193/A193M

Standard Specification for Alloy-Steel and Stainless-Steel Bolting for High Temperature or High-Pressure Service and Other Special Purpose Applications



ASTM A194/A194M

Standard Specification for Carbon Steel, Alloy Steel, and Stainless-Steel Nuts for Bolts for High Pressure or High Temperature Service, or Both



ASTM A320/A320M

Standard Specification for Alloy-Steel and Stainless-Steel Bolting for Low-Temperature Service



ASTM A540/A540M

Standard Specification for Alloy-Steel Bolting for Special Applications




Standard Specification for Quenched and Tempered Alloy Steel Bolts, Studs, and Other Externally Threaded Fasteners



IS 1367:3:2002

Technical supply conditions for threaded steel fasteners



IS 6639:1972

Specification for Hexagon bolts for steel structure

IAF Scope 18

Machinery and Equipment






Stage-wise & Final Inspection

IS 778:1984

Specification for Copper Alloy Gate, Globe and Check Valves for Waterworks Purposes



API 6A:1999

Specification for Pipeline Valves



API 598:2009

Valve Inspection and Testing



API 6D:2002

Pipeline Transportation systems – Pipeline valves



API 527:1991

Seat tightness of Pressure relief valves



API 594:1997

Check valves: wafer, Wafer – Lug and double flanged type



API 600:2001

Bolted Bonnet Steel Gate valves for Petroleum and Natural gas Industries



API 603:2001

Corrosion resistant, Bolted Bonnet Gate valves- Flanged and Butt – welding ends



API 608:2002

Metal Ball Valves- Flanged, threaded and welding ends



API 609:2004

Butterfly Valves: - Double Flanged, Lug and wafer type



IS 9890:1981

Specification for general purpose ball valves



BS EN12266:1:2012

Testing of metallic valves



ASME B16.34:2013

Valves—Flanged, Threaded, and Welding End



EN 12516:2014

Industrial valves. Shell design strength. Calculation method for steel valve shells


Stage-wise & Final Inspection

IS 6595:Part 1:2002

Horizontal Centrifugal Pumps for Clear, Cold Water— Specification



IS 6595:Part 2:2002

Horizontal Centrifugal Pumps for clear, cold water (other than agricultural and rural water supply purposes)



IS 9137:1978

Code for Acceptance Tests for Centrifugal, Mixed Flow and Axial Pumps—Class C



IS 11745:1986

Technical supply conditions for positive displacement pumps-reciprocating



API 610

Centrifugal Pumps for Petroleum, Petrochemical and Natural gas industries



API 674

Positive Displacement Pumps - Reciprocating



API 685

Seal less Centrifugal Pumps for Petroleum, Heavy duty chemical and Gas Industry services



API 675,3rd Edition

Positive Displacement Pumps-Controlled Volume for Petroleum, Chemical, and Gas Industry Services



IS 5120:1977

Technical requirements for roto dynamic special purpose pumps



API 610:2010

Centrifugal pumps for petroleum, heavy duty chemical, and gas industry service



IS 1710:1989

Pumps — Vertical Turbine Mixed and Axial Flow, For Clear Cold Water


Stage-wise & Final Inspection

IS 11149:1984

Rubber gaskets



IS 2712:1998

Gaskets and packings - compressed asbestos fiber jointing



ASTM F 104:11:2015

Standard Classification System for Nonmetallic Gasket Materials



ASTM C:564:14:2015

Standard Specification for Rubber Gaskets for Cast Iron Soil Pipe and Fittings



ASTM D5926:15:2015

Standard Specification for Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Gaskets for Drain, Waste, and Vent (DWV), Sewer, Sanitary, and Storm Plumbing System



IS 5933:2002

Rolling Bearings — Thrust Bearings—Tolerances


Stage-wise & Final Inspection

ASTM F2443:04:2012

Standard specification for roller, bearing, needle, ferrous, solid, spherical end



IS 14691:1999

Rolling Bearings - Taper Rolling Bearings - Tapered Roller - Metric Series



IS 14347:1996

Plummer block housing



IS 14802:2000

Plain bearings -Hardness testing of bearing metals



IS 13962:1994

Rolling bearings - metric tapered roller bearings - designation system



API 613, 2003

Special Purpose Gear Units for Petroleum, Chemical and Gas Industry Services



API 677

General Purpose Gear Units for Petroleum, Chemical and Gas Industry Services

Gear Box

Stage-wise & Final Inspection

IS 7403:1974

Code of Practice for Selection of Standard Worm and Helical Gear Boxes




Tooth Thickness Specification and Measurement




Cylindrical Worm gearing Tolerance and Inspection Methods (Metric)




Cylindrical Worm gearing Tolerance and Inspection Methods



AGMA 915:1

 Inspection Practices – Part 1: Cylindrical Gears – Tangential Measurements



AGMA 915:2

Inspection Practices – Part 2: Cylindrical Gears – Radial Measurements



AGMA 915:3

 Inspection Practices – Gear Blanks, Shaft Center Distance and Parallelism



IS 15663:2006

Design and installation of natural gas pipelines — code of practice



IS 10001:1981

Specifications for performance Requirements for constant speed compression ignition (Diesel) Engines for general purposes (Up To 20 KW)


Stage-wise & Final Inspection

IS 11461:1985

Code of practice for compressor safety



API 618:1995

Reciprocating Compressors for Petroleum, Chemical, and Gas Industry Services



IS 15661:2006

Petroleum, chemical and Gas service industries — centrifugal compressors



API 617

Centrifugal Compressors



IS 10439:2002

Petroleum, chemical and gas service industries- Centrifugal Compressors



IS 13124:1993

Reciprocating Gas Compressors Technical Supply conditions

Conveyer System

Stage-wise & Final Inspection

IS 11592:2000

Selection and Design of Belt Conveyors —Code of Practice



IS 7155:Part 1

Code of Recommended Practice for Conveyor Safety



BS 2573:1983

Rules for the design of cranes. Specification for classification, stress calculations and design criteria for structures

Material handling equipment

Stage-wise & Final Inspection

IS 3177:1999

Code of Practice for Electric Overhead Travelling Cranes and Gantry Cranes Other Than Steel Work Cranes



IS 807:2006

Design, erection and testing (structural portion) of cranes and hoists — code of practice



IS 14470:1997

Cranes -test code and procedures



ASME B 30.2:2011

Overhead and Gantry Cranes (Top Running Bridge, Single or Multiple Girder, Top Running Trolley Hoist)

IAF Scope 19

Electrical and Optical Equipment





Power transformers

Stage-wise & Final Inspection

IS 2026:Part 1:2012

Power Transformers: Part 1: General



IS 2026:Part 2:2010

Power Transformers: Part 2: Temperature Rise



IS 2026:Part 3:2009

Power Transformers: Part 3: Insulation levels, dielectric tests and external clearances in air



IS 2026:Part 4:1977

Power Transformers: Part 4: Terminal markings, tappings and connections



IS 2026:Part 5:2011

Power Transformers: Part 5: Ability to withstand short circuit



IEC 60076:1:2011

Power Transformers : Part 1: General



IEC 60076:2:2011

Power Transformers : Part 2: Temperature rise for liquid-immersed transformers



IEC 60076:3:2013

Power Transformers : Part 3: Insulation levels, dielectric tests and external clearances in air



IEC 60076:4:2002

Power Transformers : Part 4: Guide to the lightning impulse and switching impulse testing - Power transformers



IEC 60076:5:2006

Power Transformers:Part 5: Ability to withstand short circuit



IS 11171:1985

Specification for Dry Type Power Transformers




OR any equivalent standards (All the above standards with latest amendments) Other applicable National/ International Specifications /Standards/Client specific requirement/Internal Procedures.

Instrument transformer

Stage-wise & Final Inspection

IS 2705:Part 1:1992

Current Transformers: Specification:Part 1:General Requirements



IS 2705:Part 2:1992

Current Transformers: Specification:Part 2:Measuring Current Transformers



IS 2705:Part 3:1992

Current Transformers: Specification: Protective Current



IS 2705:Part 4:1992

Current Transformers: Specification:Protective current transformers for special purpose applications



IEC  61869:2:2012

Instrument transformers - Part 2: Additional requirements for current transformers



IS 3156:Part 1:1992

Voltage Transformers: Specification:Part 1:General Requirements



IS 3156:Part 2:1992

Voltage Transformers: Specification
Part 2: Measuring Voltage Transformers



IS 3156:Part 3:1992

Voltage Transformers: Specification :Protective Voltage Transformer



IS 3156:Part 4:1992

Voltage Transformers -Specification
Part 4: Capacitor Voltage Transformers



IEC 61869:3:2011

Instrument transformers - Part 3: Additional requirements for inductive voltage transformers




OR any equivalent standards
(All the above standards with latest amendments) Other applicable National/ International Specifications /Standards/Client specific requirements / Internal Procedures

AC generators

Stage-wise & Final Inspection

IS 13364:1:1992

AC Generators driven by reciprocating internal combustion




Part 1: Alternators rated up to 20 KVA



IS 13364:2:1992

AC Generators driven by reciprocating internal combustion engines - specification
Part 2: Alternators rated above 20 KVA and up to 1250 KVA



IEC 60034:1:2004

Rotating Electrical Machines
Part 1: Rating and Performance



IEC 60341:1:1970

Push-button switches - Part 1: General requirements and measuring methods



ISO: 8528:2005 Part 1 to 10

Reciprocating Internal Combustion
Engine Driven Alternating Current Generating Sets


Stage-wise & Final Inspection

IS 12615:2018

Energy efficient Induction Motors-Three-phase Squirrel cage



IEC 60034:Part 2: Sec1:2014

Rotating electrical machines - Part 2-1: Standard methods for determining losses and efficiency from tests (excluding machines for traction vehicles)



IS 7538:1996

Three-phase squirrel cage induction motors for centrifugal pumps for agricultural applications




OR any equivalent standards
(All the above standards with latest amendments) Other applicable National/ International Specifications /Standards/Client specific requirements / Internal Procedures

Power cables

Stage-wise & Final Inspection

IS 7098:2005

Crosslinked polyethylene insulated PVC sheathed cables



IS 7098:Part 2:2011

Cross linked polyethylene insulated thermoplastic sheathed cables

Part 2: for working voltages from 3.3 KV up to and including 33 KV



IS 7098:Part 3:1993

Cross linked polyethylene insulated thermoplastic sheathed cables

Part 3: for working voltages from 66 KV up to and including 220 KV



IEC 60502:Part 1:2004

Power cables with extruded insulation and their accessories for rated voltages from 1kV (Um = 1, 2 kV) up to 30kV (Um = 36kV) – Part




1: Cables for rated voltages of 1kV (Um = 1, 2 kV) and 3kV (Um = 3, 6 kV)



IEC 60502:Part 2:2014

Power cables with extruded insulation and their accessories for rated voltages from 1kV (Um = 1, 2 kV) up to 30kV (Um = 36kV) – Part 2: Cables for rated voltages from 6kV (Um = 7, 2 kV) up to 30kV (Um = 36 kV)



IEC 60840:2011

Power cables with extruded insulation and their accessories for rated voltages above 30kV (Um = 36 kV) up to 150kV (Um = 170kV): Test methods and requirements



BS 6622:2007

Electric cables: Armored cables with thermosetting insulation for rated voltages from 3.8/6.6 kV to 19/33 kV. Requirements and test methods

Control Cables

Stage-wise & Final Inspection

BS 5467:2008

Electric cables. Thermosetting insulated, armored cables for voltages of 600/1000 V and 1900/3300 V



IS 694:2010

Polyvinyl chloride insulated unsheathed and sheathed cables/cords with rigid and flexible conductor for rated voltages up to and including 450/750V



IS 1554:Part 1:1988

Specification for PVC insulated (Heavy Duty) Electric Cables.
Part 1: for working voltages up to and including 1100 Volts



IS 1554 Part 2:1988

Specification for PVC insulated (Heavy Duty) Electric Cables.
Part 1: for working voltages from 3.3 KV up to and including 11 KV



IEC 60227:Part 1:2007

Polyvinyl chloride insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V - Part 1: General requirements



BS 6346:1997

Electric cables. PVC insulated, armored cables for voltages of 600/1000 V and 1900/3300 V

LV switchgear and control gear

Stage-wise & Final Inspection

IS 13947:Part 1:2004

Specification For Low-Voltage Switchgear and Control gear - Part 1: General Rules



IEC 60947:1:2007

Specification For Low-Voltage Switchgear and Control gear - Part 1: General Rules

HV Switchgear and control gear

Stage-wise & Final Inspection

IS 12729:2004


Common Specification for High Voltage Switchgear and control gear standards



IEC 62271:1:2007

High Voltage Switchgear and control gear
Part 1: Common Specifications



IEC 60694:2002

Common Specification for High Voltage Switchgear and control gear standards

Circuit breakers

Stage-wise & Final Inspection

IEC 62271:100:2017

High-voltage switchgear and control gear –
Part 100: Alternating current circuit-breakers



IEC 61633:1995

High-voltage alternating current circuit-breakers - Guide for short-circuit and switching test procedures for metal-enclosed and dead tank circuit-breakers

Lighting arresters

Stage-wise & Final Inspection

IS 3070:3:1993

Lighting arresters for AC system.
Part 3: Metal oxide lighting arrestors without gap



IEC 60099:Part 4:2001

Part 4: Metal-oxide surge arresters without gaps for a. c systems

Surge arresters

Stage-wise & Final Inspection

IS 15086:Part 1:2001

Part 1: Nonlinear resistor type gapped surge arrestors for a. c systems



IS 15086:Part 3:2003

Part 3: Artificial pollution testing of surge arrestors



IEC 60099:1:1991

Part 1: Non-linear resistor type gapped surge arrestors for a. c. systems



IEC 60099:3:1990

Part 3: Artificial pollution testing of surge arrestors



IEC 60099:5:2013

Part 5: Selection and application recommendations.




OR any equivalent standards
(All the above standards with latest amendments) Other applicable




National/ International Specifications /Standards/Client specific requirements / Internal Procedures.

AC dis-connectors (Isolators) & earthing switches

Stage-wise & Final Inspection

IS 9921:Part 1:1981

Alternating current dis-connectors (isolators) and earthing switches for voltages above 1000v.
Part 1: General and Definitions



IS 9921:Part 2:1982

Alternating current dis-connectors (isolators) and earthing switches for voltages above 1000v.
Part 2: Rating



IS 9921:Part 4:1985

Alternating current dis-connectors (isolators) and earthing switches for voltages above 1000v.
Part 4: Type tests and routine tests



IEC 62271:102:2018

High-voltage switchgear and control gear - Part 102: Alternating current disconnectors and earthing switches

Electrical relay for power system protection

Stage-wise & Final Inspection

IS 3231:Part 3:1987

Specifications foe electrical relay for power system protection.
Part 3: Requirements for particular group of relays



IEC 60099:1:1991

Part 1: Nonlinear resistor type gapped surge arrestors for a. c systems



IEC 60099:3:1990

Part 3: Artificial pollution testing of surge arrestors



IEC 60099:5:2013

Part 5: Selection and application recommendations

Porcelain Insulators / Bushings

Stage-wise & Final Inspection

IS 2099:1986 (R2007)

Specification for bushings for alternating voltages above 1000 V




IS 8603:2008

Dimensions for porcelain transformer bushings for use in heavily polluted atmospheres 12/17.5 KV,24 KV and 36 KV



IS 3347:1:2:1979

Dimensions for porcelain transformer bushings for use in normal and lightly polluted atmospheres
Part 1: up to and including 1 KV
Sec 2: Metal Parts



IS 3347:2:1:1979

Dimensions for porcelain transformer bushings for use in lightly polluted atmospheres
Part 2: 3.6 KV bushings
Sec 1: Porcelain Parts



IS 3347:5:1:1979

Dimensions for porcelain transformer bushings for use in normal and lightly polluted atmospheres




Part 1: 36 KV bushings
Sec 2: Metal Parts



IS 5621:1980 (R2004)

Specification for hollow insulators for use in electrical equipment



IEC 60137:2017

Insulated bushings for alternating voltages above 1000 V




OR any equivalent standards
(All the above standards with latest amendments) Other applicable National/ International Specifications /Standards/Client specific requirements / Internal Procedures



CRGO Lamination

Stage-wise & Final Inspection

IS 3024:2015 AMD 1 2017

Specification for Grain Oriented Electrical Steel Sheet and Strip

Transformer Oil

Stage-wise & Final Inspection

IS 335:1993 (R 2005)

New Insulating Oil - Specification



IEC 60296:2020

Fluids for electro-technical applications – Mineral insulating oils for electrical equipment

Lighting Fixtures

Stage-wise & Final Inspection

IS 10322:Part 1:1982

Specification for Luminaires
Part 1: General Requirements



IS 10322:Part 4:1984

Part 4: Methods of Tests



IS 10322:Part 5:Sec 1:2012

Part 5: Particular Requirements
Sec 1: Fixed General-Purpose Luminaires



IS 10322:Part 5:Sec 4:1987

Part 5: Particular Requirements
Sec 4: Portable General-Purpose Luminaires



IS 10322:Part 5:Sec 5: 1987

Part 5: Particular Requirements
Sec 5: Flood Lights



IS 10322:Part 5:Sec 3: 2012

Part 5: Particular Requirements
Sec 3: Luminaires for Road and Street Lighting

ACSR Conductors

Stage-wise & Final Inspection

IS 398:Part 1:1996

ACSR Conductors for overhead transmission purposes
Part 1: Aluminum stranded conductors



IS 398:Part 2:1996

ACSR Conductors for overhead transmission purposes
Part 1: Aluminum conductors galvanized steel rein-forced



IS 398:Part 3:1976 (R1991)

Part 3: Aluminum conductors, aluminized steel reinforced



IS 398:Part 4:1994 (R2014)

Part 4: Aluminum alloy stranded conductors (aluminum magnesium silicon type)



IS 398:Part 5:1992 (R2002)

Part 5: Aluminum conductors - galvanized steel reinforced for extra high voltage (400 kV and above)



IEC 60888:1987

Zinc-coated steel wires for stranded conductors



IEC 61089:1997

Amendment 1 - Round wire concentric lay overhead electrical stranded conductors




OR any equivalent standards
(All the above standards with latest amendments) Other applicable National/ International Specifications /Standards/Client specific requirements / Internal Procedures

IAF Scope 27

Water Supply





Collection, Purification

and Distribution of Water

In-service, Process/Stage-wise, Final inspection

IS 783:1985

Code of Practice for Laying of Concrete Pipes



IS 1172:1993

Code of Basic requirements for Water Supply, Drainage, and Sanitation



IS 2065:1983

Code of Practice for Water supply and treatment



IS 3114:1994

Code of Practice for Laying of Cast Iron Pipes




(Third revision)

Water Supply and Treatment Manual




Client Requirements in the form of QAP mentioning required specification and scope mentioned in this scope. However, the applicable National & International Codes and Standards shall be among those which are either referred in the scope statement or shall be equivalent to the standards described above for the relevant scope category




IAF Scope 28






Site preparation, Building of complete constructions or parts thereof; civil engineering, Building installation & Building completion Buildings &and Associated Infrastructure Green Audit

Stage Inspection & Final Inspection

IS 456:2000 (Reaffirmed 2005)

Plain and Reinforced Concrete

IS 2212:1991(R2019) 

Code of practice for brickworks

IS 383:2016

Coarse and Fine Aggregate for Concrete - Specification


IS 1343:2012

Prestressed Concrete - Code of Practice



Customer Requirements in the form of Project Specification, Datasheet, Drawings and QAP as per the applicable National & International Codes and Standards as mentioned above or equivalent to the standards described above.

Fire & Life Safety

Fire & Safety Audit of Buildings as per NBC Part 4

NBC 2016 (Part-4)

State Fire Safety Rule

National Building Code of India Part - 4: Fire & Life Safety State Fire Safety Rules

IAF Scope 29a

Wholesale & Retail trade





Construction & Building Material, Waste Paper, Waste Plastic, Scrap Metals, Electrical Devices, Lighting Devices, Bicycles and Motorcycles, Food Products like Dairy products, Canned and dried fruits, Edible oils & Fats, Chocolate and Cola products, Sugar products, Pasta, grain products (bread) and bakery products and Fruit juice, Heating, Ventilation and

Pre-shipment Inspection, Packaging and verification, Quantity verification, Marking Verification, Visual Inspection, Measurements, Document Verification including CoC/CoI

QCI/P/04 Rev. 00

As per Client's PO

Inspection Body Procedure QCI/P/04 Rev. 00 - Process of Pre-Shipment Inspection

ISRI Scrap Specification Circular 2020

Air-conditioning Equipment: HVAC systems, Air conditioning machines: Refrigeration and freezing equipment and heat pumps, except household type equipment, non-domestic cooling and ventilation equipment. Household


Appliances: Refrigerator, Microwave Oven, Washing Machine, Air Conditioner, Fryers, Heaters, Fans, Stoves and Blenders, Ceramic products, Tiles and sanitary ware, Garments and textile including readymade clothing & Tire and rubber scrap, Glass scrap.


Flange, Plates, Coils, Sheet, Bar & other Metal Products, Steel Pipes, Tube, Ductile Iron Pipes, Casting Products, Metal Structure, Forging products, Fasteners, Valves, Pumps, Gasket, Bearing, Gear Box, Compressor, Conveyer System, Material handling equipment, Power transformers, Instrument transformer, AC generators, Motors, Power cables, Control Cables,   LV switchgear and control gear, HV Switchgear and control gear, Circuit breakers, Lighting arresters, Surge arresters, AC dis-connectors (Isolators) & Earthing switches, Electrical relay for power system protection, Porcelain Insulators / Bushings, CRGO Lamination, Transformer Oil, Lighting Fixtures and ACSR Conductors




IAF Scope 30

Hotels and Restaurants





Process Inspection of Food Business Operators in Hotels, Restaurants, Canteens and Catering

Inspection of Food Business Operator’s Facility Inspection, Food Safety and Hygiene, Infrastructure, and Inspection of GMP/GHP

Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 -FSSAI FSS Gazette Rules 2011of FSSAI Schedule -IV

FSSAI Schedule IV (FSS Licensing & Regulation of Food Business Regulations, 2011)

Part 2- General hygienic and sanitary practices to be followed by food business operators applying for license

Part 5- General hygienic and sanitary practices to be followed by food business operators engaged in catering sector



REPL Document-QCI/SOP/01/08, dated 24-11-2021

Inspection Body Standard Operating Procedure for Inspection in the Food Catering (Hotels, Restaurants, Canteens and Catering)

The following offices of Ravi Energie Pvt. Ltd. is/are included under accreditation




Key activities performed


Vadodara(Registered Office)

S-15 A/B India Bulls Mega Mall Jetalpur Road-Vadodara, 390020, Gujarat - India

Top management functions, quality management system functions, administration & accounts and other key activities as applicable to head office.

Inspection contract review, Inspection planning & execution, Inspection personnel authorization & assignment, Issue of inspection reports / certificates.

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