NABCB Accredited Inspection Bodies
Address R Bhawan, Plot No. 1, Sector-29 Gurugram, Hayrana 122001, India
Contact Person 1. Sh. Sandeep Jain 2. Sh. Rakesh Gupta
Designation   Group General Manager QA   Joint General Manager/QA
Tel 0124 2571678/2818560
Fax 0124 2818514
Email ID ,
Accreditation Cert. No.. IB 006
Valid Froms April 19, 2011
Valid Upto July 18, 2026
Accreditation Standard ISO/IEC 17020:2012
Type of Inspection Body Type A for Scope Sector IAF 07, 09, 18 (turbine generating sets)
Type C for Scope Sector IAF 12, 14, 16, 17, 18 (except turbine generating sets), 19, 22, 27 and 28

Scopes of Accreditation

IAF Scope /

Field of Inspection and Specific Item(s)

Stage and Range of Inspection(s)

Inspection Requirement(s)

Standards / Regulations / Methods / Procedures

Number identification with year of publication


Type ‘A’ Inspection Body

IAF Scope 07

Pulp, Paper and Paper Products




Ruled Papers, and paper for printing of tickets

Final inspection

IS: 1848:2007

Writing and Printing Paper


IS 1060-I:1966

Methods of Sampling and test for paper and allied products -part I



IS 1060-II:1960

Methods of Sampling and test for paper and allied products -part II



IS 1064:1980

Specification for paper sizes



IS 1763:1961

Specification for Substances of paper and pulp board



IS 9055:1979

Specification for One time carbon paper



IS 4658:RA 2008

Coated paper and board



IS 1397:RA 2008

Kraft Paper

IAF Scope 09

Printed paper products




Printed Tickets and Printed paper products

Final inspection

IS: 1848:2007

Writing and Printing Paper



IS 1060-I:1966

Methods of Sampling and test for paper and allied products -part I



IS 1060-II:1960

Methods of Sampling and test for paper and allied products -part II



IS 1763:1961

Specification for Substances of paper and pulp board



IS 1064:1980

Specification for paper sizes



IAF Scope 18

Machinery & Equipment




-Turbine Generating Sets-Hydro/Steam 20 MW to 500 MW capacity.


Final Inspection

IS 10000:1980

Methods of Tests For  Internal  Combustion Engines



IS 10001:1981

Specifications for performance Requirements for constant  speed  compression ignition (Diesel) Engines for general purposes (Up To 20 KW)



IS 10002:1981

Specifications for performance Requirements for constant  speed  compression ignition (Diesel) Engines for general purposes (Above 20 KW)



IS 8528:2005

Reciprocating internal combustion engine driven alternating current generating sets



DIN 6271:1984


Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines ; performance; Standard Reference Conditions and Declarations of power fuel Consumption and lubricating oil Consumption

Type ‘C’ Inspection Body

IAF Scope 12





Paints of all types

Final inspection

IS 101:1986


Methods of sampling and test for paints



IS 169:1993


varnish and related products



IS 2074:1992


Ready Mixed Paint, Air Drying, For General Purpose



IS 5411:1974

(or any equivalent standards)

Ready Mix paint, Air drying, red oxide zinc chrome, priming



RDSO M&C/PCN/100-2018

Plastic Emulsion paint



RDSO M&C/PCN/102-2009

PU paint kit Epoxy primer, putty, PU surfacer, PU Top coat



RDSO M&C/PCN/109-2009

Epoxy primer for wagons



RDSO M&C/PCN/122-2006

PU coat for wagons

Red Oxide



RDSO M&C/PCN/123:2018

Or any equivalent standards

(all these standards with latest amendment)

High performance Anti corrosive paint

IAF Scope 14a

Rubber products




Rubber Water Hose

Final Inspection

IS 444-1987

Specification for general purpose of Rubber Water Hose

Neoprene Rubber Sheet


CLW/ES/R-24 ALT. D and IS: 638 - 1979

CLW specification and  Specification Sheet Rubber Jointing and Rubber Insertion Jointing

Rubber Pad



RDSO Specification for Rubber Pad

Assembly of Decoupling Rubber


MDTS 030:1995

Ethylene Propylene-E-Diene Terpolymer

Axle box Pivot Bush with Solid or Hollow Pin Construction


RCF/MDTS-148 Rev.01 & RCF/MDTS-122 Rev.03

Special Requirements for Rubber Metal component

Ball Joint Roll Link


Endurance testing of Rubber Metal components for Fiat Bogie

Rubber Spring



Lateral Bump Stop




Traction Center Elastic Joint




Ball joint Traction Lever




Rubber Pad for Longitudinal Bump Stop




Primary Bump Stop




Rubber Pad for Primary suspension




Sandwich Mounting assembly



Rubber Properties, Load Deflection

Bearing Adaptor Spacer


MP-, Rev-03


Side Bearer (Rubber Spring)




UIC Rubber Vestibule Arrangement


RDSO/2007/CG-05, Rev-1: Nov-2018

UIC type Elastomer Flange Connections for Intercommunication between passenger Coaches


IAF Scope 14b

Plastic Products




Plastic Pipes & fittings

Final Inspection

IS: 4984:1995

High Density Polyethylene pipes for water supplies- specifications



IS 4985:2000

Unplasticized PVC pipes for potable water supplies - Specifications



IS 9271:2004

Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (UPVC) single wall corrugated pipes for drainage-specifications



IS 14930:2001

Or any equivalent standards (all these standards with latest Amendment)

Conduit systems for electrical Installations or any equivalent standards

IAF Scope 16

Cement & Concrete products




Cement pipes of all types, AC pressure pipes, PCC poles

Final Inspection

IS 458:2003

Precast Concrete pipes (With and Without reinforcement) Specifications



IS 1592:2003

Asbestos Cement Pressure Pipes and Joints -Specifications,



IS 1658:1998

Prestressed concrete poles for over head power traction and telecommunication lines- Specifications

IAF Scope 17

Structural Metal products & Fabricated Metal Products





Stagewise/Final Inspection

IRS T 1:2012

Fish plates and Fishplate Bars

CI/DI pipes, Steel tubes & fittings-seamless, black/galvanized-screwed and shocked or pain or various purposes


EN 674:2011

Glass in building - Determination of thermal transmittance  ( U- Value)- Guarded hot plate method



IS 8329:2000

Centrifugally cast  (Spun) Ductile Iron pressure pipes for water  Gas and sewage

Steel tubular poles, Metal structure-all types of fabricated and welded


IS 1239:2004

Steel Tubes  tubular and other wrought steel fittings-specifications



IS 1978:1982

Specifications for line pipes




IS 3589:2001

Steel pipes for water and sewage (168.3 and 2 540mm outside diameter)- Specifications



IS 1151:003

Refined Sugar- Specifications



IS 2713:1980

Specification for Tubular Steel Poles for overhead power lines

Wrought steel rolled products like Angles, Channels, Beams, Plates etc.


IS 2062:2011

Hot Rolled medium and high tensile structural steel



API-5L, 45th Edition 2012, Includes Errata (2015)

The API SPEC 5L covers seamless and welded steel line pipe.

Structural Metal products and fabricated Metal products (Rails and welded Rail panels)


IRS T12/2009

Indian Railway Standard Specification for Flat Bottom Rails.



UIC 860:2008

Technical Specification for the supply of Rails



BS EN 13674-1:2011+A1:2017

Railway applications. Track. Rail Vignole railway rails 46 kg/m and above.

or any equivalent standards




(all these standards with latest amendment)


IAF Scope 18

Machinery & Equipment




Pumps- Horizontal, Vertical, Centrifugal, Submersible, Vertical Turbine


IS 8034:2002

Submersible pumpsets- Specifications



BS 5514-1:1996

Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines



IS 5120:1977

Technical requirements for rotodynamic special purpose pumps



IS 6595:1993

Horizontal Centrifugal Pumps  For  Clear Cold water



IS 9137:1978

Code for acceptance tests for Centrifugal Mixed Flow and Axial Pumps- Class C



IS 77B:1976

Specifications for linseed oil boiled for paints



IS 14846:1999

Respiratory protective devices -Half masks and Quarter masks- specification



IS 8472:1998

Pumps-Regenerative For Clear, Cold Water

Valves of all types, Globe, Gate, Sluice


IS 909:1992

Underground fire Hydrant , Valve Type-Specifications


IAF Scope 19a

Electrical Products




-Conductors, Wires and cables including winding wires

Stagewise/Final Inspection

IS 398:1996

Aluminium conductors for overhead transmission purposes - specifications



IS 9968:1988

Specification for Elastomer are insulated cables



IS 694:2010

Polyvinyl chloride insulated unsheathed and sheathed cables/ cords with rigid and flexible




Conductors for rated voltages Up To and including 450/750 V



IS 7098:1988

Specifications for Cross linked Polyethylene Insulated PVC sheathed Cables



IS 1554:1988

Specifications for PVC Insulated (Heavy Duty) Electric Cables



IS 14255:1995

Aerial Bunched Cables -for Working Voltages Up To and Including 1100 Volts- Specification



IS 5950:1984

Specifications for shot firing cables (For Use others than in shafts ),

-Distribution and Power Transformers CT/PT


IS 2026:2011

Power Transformers

-Fans, Motors- all types AC/DC


IS 12021:1987

Specifications for control transformers for switchgear and control gear for voltages not exceeding1000V ac



IS 6680:1992

Railway carriage Fans-Specification



IS 3588:1987

Specifications for Electric Axial flow fans



IS 4691:2004

Degrees of protection provided by enclosure for rotating electrical machinery



IS 325:1996

Three phase induction Motors-Specifications

- Relay control/ protection panels, Lightening arrestors, Distribution Boards/Panels (LT/HT),-all types


IS 8623:1993

Specifications for low voltage Switchgear  and Controlgear Assemblies


IS 13947:2004

Low-Voltage Switchgear and Controlgear-Specifications


IS  13118:2002

Specifications for High-Voltage Alternating –Current Circuit-Breakers



IS 2147:1962

Degrees of protection provided by enclosure for Low Voltage Switchgear  and Control Gear

-Insulators- ceramic/composite


IS 2486:1993

Metal fitting o Insulators for overhead Power lines with Nominal Voltage Greater than 1000 V – Specifications

-DG Set, Alternator


IS 10136:1982

Code of practice for selection of Disc Insulators Fittings For highest  System Voltages of  72.5 KV and above



IS 10001:1981

Specifications for performance Requirements for constant  speed  compression ignition (Diesel) Engines for general purposes (Up To 20 KW)



IS 13364:1992

AC generators driven by reciprocating internal combustion engines -Specifications



IS 4722:2001

Rotating electrical machines- Specification



BS 5000:2006

Rotating electrical machines of particular types or for particular applications. Generators to be driven by reciprocating internal combustion engines. Requirements for resistance to vibration



BS 2613:1970

Electrical performance of rotating machine

- Energy meter- Circuit Breaker, Measuring Instruments- Ammeter, Voltmeter


BS 4889:1990

Method for specifying  the performance of electrical and electronic measuring equipment



IS 12346:1999

Test equipment for AC electrical Energy Meters



IS 1248:2003

Direct acting  indicating analogue electrical  measuring  instruments and their accessories



IS 7660:2003

Specification for lead acid batteries for electric locomotives and electrical multiple units



IS 6848:2003

Specification for lead acid batteries for train lighting and air conditioning services



IEC 60439

Low voltage switchgear and control gear assemblies



BS 269

Rules for methods for declaring efficiency of electrical machinery



IEC 60034:2022

Rotating electrical machines

(all these standards with latest amendment)

or any equivalent standards



RDSO Specification ETI/PSI/15/8/2003

10KVA/25K/240V single phase oil filled transformer

IAF Scope 19b

Optical Fiber Products





Final inspection

IEC/IS 61280


Optical Fiber Cables

Optical Smoke and Heat Detector


As per Specification

RDSO/ Specification for Optical Smoke and Heat Detector

Infrared Optical LCD


As per Specification


Optical Coherence tomography


As per Specification

As per Technical Specification

Fiber Shot both single & multimode Optical Time Domain Reflectometer (OTDR)


As Per Specification

AS PER TEC/GR/TX/OTD-01/04/APR-2010 OR Latest

Optical Remote


As Per Specification

RDSO SPEC.NO.RDSO/SPN/TC/109/2023 Version 1.0 OR Latest Amendment As per RDSO/SPN/TC/68/2014

Optical Fiber Cable Joint Closure


As Per Specification

IAF Scope 19c

Medical Equipment or Products




Machine Anesthesia work station

Visual inspection and TC verification only

As per product Specification

RDSO or Technical Specification available in PO

Sterile Surgical Gown




Liquid Medical Oxygen (LMO)Tank




Oximeter with Pediatric probe




X Ray Machine




Ventilator Medical




Blood Counter




IAF Scope 22

Other transport Equipment




-  Railway Rolling stock (Wagons & Coaches, wheels & axels) for railway products

In-process/Final Inspection, Final product inspection through review of records for non-Railway customers

IS 2062:2006

Hot rolled medium and high tensile structural steel- Specification

IRSM 41-1997

Corrosion resistant Structural steel required for Rolling stock

(Side wall, Roof, End Wall, Trough Floor, Under frame, Sole bar, Carline) for Railway products


RDSO Spec No. CK 201

Specification for stainless steel sheets/plates for Indian Railways



AISI 409/304

Specification for Stainless steel

-Rail coaches types GS, GSCN, ACEMU etc.


ICF MD Spec 147 Issue No. 1 Revised 02 dated 21/07/2006

Schedule of Requirement to manufacturing Heavy Fabricated items of Mild steel and Corten Steel.



Check sheet No. WA/SR/C&W/18-1 dated 27/04/2018

Check sheet for side wall roof and part for LHB- LSCN



-IRS R 16/95, 19/93 (Pt 1to 3), 34/2015, or equivalent or any equivalent standards

(all these standards with latest amendment)

Wheels & Axles for Rolling Stock



-General second class-RDSO/2011/CG-B-03 or equivalent

CBC with balanced type draft gear



-Sleeper class-RDSO/2011/CG-B-04 or equivalent

Specification for axle mounted disc brake system for LHB type BG mainline coaches



-EMU-K3-B-01, Rev.01 or equivalent


IAF Scope 27

Water Supply




Elevated Storage Reservoir (ESR), Sump, Pump House, Water Treatment Plant


In-service inspection (Hydro testing & commissioning)

IS: 456/2000 (Reaffirmed 2021)

Plain & reinforced concrete




IS:1786/2008(Reaffirmed 2009) with amendment no:1 2012

High strength deformed steel bars and wires for concrete reinforcement



IS: 2386/1963- Different parts

Methods of test for aggregates for concrete



IS:3589/2001 cl 10

Hydraulic pressure testing

IAF Scope 28





Buildings, Dwelling units, Layout & excavation

Stagewise/Final/In-service inspection

IS: 456/2000 (Reaffirmed 2021)

Plain & reinforced concrete




IS:1786/2008(Reaffirmed 2009) with amendment no:1 2012

High strength deformed steel bars and wires for concrete reinforcement



IS: 2386/1963- Different parts

Methods of test for aggregates for concrete



NBC 2016


National Building code of India

CPWD Delhi Schedule of Rates

The following offices of RITES Ltd. is/are included under accreditation




Key activities performed


(Main Office)

Shikhar, Plot No. 1, Sector-29, Gurugram, Haryana-122001, India

Top management functions, quality management system functions, administration & accounts, other key activities.
Inspection contract review, Inspection planning & execution, Inspection personnel authorization & assignment, Issue of inspection reports / certificates.


(Branch Office)

Scope Minar, Core-II, 12th. Floor, Laxmi Nagar, Delhi-110 092, India

Inspection contract review, Inspection planning & execution, Inspection personnel authorization & assignment, Issue of inspection reports / certificates.

03 Kolkata
(Branch Office)
Central Station Building (Metro), 56, C. R. Avenue, 3rd Floor, Kolkata-700 012, India Inspection contract review, Inspection planning & execution, Inspection personnel authorization & assignment, Issue of inspection reports / certificates.
04 Bhilai
(Branch Office)
Quality Assurance Division, 50, Expansion Building, Bhilai Steel Plant, Bhilai-490 001, India Inspection contract review, Inspection planning & execution, Inspection personnel authorization & assignment, Issue of inspection reports / certificates.
05 Mumbai
(Branch Office)
2nd Floor, New Annexe Building, Churchgate Station Mumbai-400 020, India Inspection contract review, Inspection planning & execution, Inspection personnel authorization & assignment, Issue of inspection reports / certificates.
06 Chennai
(Branch Office)
CTS Building, 2nd floor, BSNL Complex,No.16, Greams Road, Chennai-600006, India Inspection contract review, Inspection planning & execution, Inspection personnel authorization & assignment, Issue of inspection reports / certificates.
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