Food Safety Management Systems
FS 023
CU Inspections & Certifications India Pvt. Ltd.
Address 22nd and 23rd Floor, 2201, 2205, 2206, 2301 to 2306, B Wing, Arihant Aura, Plot No 13/1, TTC, Opp - Turbhe Railway Station, Thane Belapur Road, Navi Mumbai-400705, India
Contact Person Mr. Rajesh Naik                  Mr. Parag Karekar
Designation General Manager Auditor
Tel +91 9930453757                 +91 9930868527
Fax +91 22 61294300
Email ID
Valid From March 07, 2022
Valid Upto March 06, 2025
Accreditation Standards ISO/IEC 17021-1:2015 and ISO 22003-1:2022
Scopes of accreditation
Cluster Category Subcategory
Processing Food for Humans and Animals C Food, Ingredient and Pet Food Processing CI Processing of perishable animal products
CIV Processing of ambient stable products (limited to Wheat Grass powder / Dry spice powder only and thermally processed Products)
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