Quality Management Systems
QM 039
Tata Projects Ltd.,
Operating certification services through their Division TQ Services
Address Mithona Towers-1, 1-7-80 to 87, Opp. Wesley Co-ed Jr. College, Prenderghast Road, Secunderabad 500003
Contact Person Ms Krishna Datta
Designation Chief of Certification
Tel +91 22 6740 2900
Fax +91 22 2570 0174
Email ID krishnadatta@tqcert.in
Website www.tataprojects.com
Valid From 24 April 2009
Valid Upto 23 April 2024
Accreditation Standard ISO/IEC 17021-1:2015 and ISO/IEC 17021-3:2017
Scopes of accreditation
IAF Scope Description
01 Agriculture, hunting, forestry & fishing
02 Mining and quarrying (Except NACE Code CA 10.1, CA10.2, CA10.3, CA11.1 & CA12.0)
03 Food products, beverage and tobacco
04 Textiles and textile products
05 Leather and leather products
06 Wood and wood products
07 Pulp, Paper and Paper Products (Restricted to NACE code DE 21.1 & DE 21.2 only)
08 Publishing Companies (Restricted to NACE code DE 22.1 only)
09 Printing Companies (Restricted to NACE code DE 22.2 & DE 22.3 only)
10 Coke and refined petroleum products
12 Chemicals, chemical products and fibres (Restricted to NACE Code DG24.3,24.5,24.7 only)
14 Rubber and plastic products
15 Non metallic mineral products
16 Concrete, cement, lime, plaster, etc.
17 Basic metals and fabricated metal products
18 Machinery and equipment
19 Electrical and optical equipment (Restricted to NACE Code 31.1, 31.2, 31.3, 31.4, 31.5, 31.6, 33.4 and 33.5 only)
22 Other Transport Equipment (Restricted to NACE code DM 34.1 to DM 34.3 & DM 35.2, DM 35.4 & DM 35.5 only)
23 Manufacturing not elsewhere classified
25 Electricity supply
28 Construction
29 Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and personal and household goods
30 Hotels and restaurants
31 Transport, storage and communication
32 Financial intermediation; real estate; renting
33 Information Technology
34 Engineering services (Except NACE Code K74.2)
35 Other services
36 Public Administration
37 Education (Except NACE Code M 80.3)
38 Health and social work
39 Other social services
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